Raw Fine Cocoa Beans

100% Fine Cocoa

Raw Fine Cocoa Beans

What is 100% Fine Cocoa?

The International Cocoa Organization (ICCO), classifies 100% Fine Cocoa, or 100% "Cacao Fino de Aroma" as cocoa beans that are are produced from the rare Criollo or Trinitario cocoa tree varieties. Fine Cocoa produces chocolate flavors including fruit, floral, herbal, and wood notes, nut and caramelic notes as well as rich and balanced chocolate bases.

What are the 3 varieties of cocoa?

The three main varieties of cocoa are: ForasteroCriollo, and Trinitario. Forastero is the most widely used variety of cocoa and accounts for over 90% of the world's cocoa production! Criollos are much rarer and are regarded a delicacy because of their unique flavor profiles, and account for approximately 1% of the global cocoa trade. Trinitario cocoa is a hybrid variety of Criollo and Forastero, and are considered a higher quality than Forastero, accounting for the remaining global supply.

Where does cocoa grow?

Cocoa fruits (pods) can be found growing on cocoa in tropical regions around the Equator, where a hot a humid climate can support their growth. Over 70% of the global cocoa supply originates from only four West African countries: Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria and Cameroon. The highest grades of cocoa demand perfect conditions and expert growers. Fine Cocoa exporting countries include Venezuela, Trinidad, Colombia, Costa Rica.

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